On Wednesday Keith and I went to my 18-week appointment all excited because we were going to have THE sonogram. Is it a boy or a girl? For a couple who replied "A baby" when people asked what we wanted, the excitement was not over finding out the news that it was a boy or it was a girl so much as just knowing.
We both knew before the sonogramer said...our baby's a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mad props to my dad and grandma, a cousin, a best friend, and Keith's grandma for all also "knowing" it was a girl for quite a while. Super spidey sense on these ones, if you ask me.
The sonogram showed our daughter sitting breach-style, cross-legged, facing out, with her hands pulled up to the sides of her face, just hanging out, swimming around. How cool! News is, too, that she can hear these days (19 weeks) and recognize familiar sounds like my voice, Keith's voice, my heart beat, perhaps a coffee pot brewing...
So, after the shock of life-changing information and then the mind-dulling 2-hour wait to see our doctor, we didn't really hit the road naming her and buying her lacy pink outfits. Well, we didn't until yesterday! Shopping for baby girl clothes = an amazing experience of ruffles, pink, lady bugs, dresses, and bows. Amazing how much more fun it is to shop for her than for myself! (I never thought I would have such a thought.)
About her name, we decided upon the recommendation of a few trustworthy moms and our own intuition not to share her name until she's born. Besides, a secret is always fun and the pursuit of its answer always makes your life more worth living, right? Um, right. Anyways, we think we've settled on her name, and we're trying it out on her now to see if she likes it (and us too).
After buying her an "I Love Daddy" onesie (and I'm convinced they make no such thing for Mommy that comes in girl colors, sob) and a few other staples and some diapers, I entered some eratic sort of psycological state where I felt I needed to buy all the items for the nursery and decorate it all and fill the closet and register post haste, or else. Good thing someone was reminding me I have 5 more months of carrying the child before we get to meet her and need to clothe her and introduce her to her room...he did the trick. oh, as did a delicious vanilla bean frappuccino (yes, I betray Caribou Coffee every once in a while to meet my needs...but that's another blog post).
I've now found that a good way to channel my overbearing motherly instincts is...drum roll...crocheting! I've been a crocheter for officially 5 hours now, which necessarily means that I'm terrible and my "blanket" could also pass as half a sock, a Barbie poncho, or a shrunken scarf. However, I fully intend to crochet my baby girl a beautiful blanket which she will love and cherish forever.
Well, until more news strikes me as noteworthy (or maybe not so much?), that's all folks!